Liturgical Ministries

Liturgy Group
Are you interested in supporting our worship of God in the Mass and the sacraments as an altar server, extraordinary minister of Holy Communion (Eucharistic Minister), greeter, lector (reader), sacristan or usher? Many share their gifts and serve our community in our liturgical ministries. Please contact us to learn more:
Eucharistic Ministers

​​​Assist in the reverent distribution of the precious Body and Blood of Jesus at all Parish Liturgies. Ministers must be members of the Parish and be fully initiated in the Church, having received the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. Ministers attend one training session a year and are scheduled approximately three-five times during a three month period.


Greeters are ministers of hospitality. The primary focus of this ministry is to greet the assembly as they enter the facility, greeting them as if they were being welcomed into their own home. Individuals, couples and entire families are encouraged to join this ministry.