Together As One News
Summer time Women's Faith Sharing
We'll meet Tuesday mornings from 9-10:30 at St. Michael's youth room - watch for signs. Come join us as we share our faith journeys. This summer we will be reading and discussing the book " Praying Our Goodbyes: A Spiritual Companion Through Life's Losses and Sorrows" by Joyce Rupp. The book is $15.00. Let's pray for each other as a community, our ACC, the church, and our world, listening to the Holy Spirit in each of us. We will use social distancing and wearing masks as recommended. Friends welcome!
Questions, contact Betsy Trout. Home-320.203-8180.
Congratulations to Ethan Haehn son of Jason and Kristen Haehn who received the Annual Marvin Faber Scholarship Award. This scholarship is for service, leadership and academics. It was initiated in 1990 in memory of the late Marvin Faber, who was a firm believer of Christian education and who spent many years working with the children at Sts. Peter, Paul & Michael School now known as All Saints Academy.
Due to COVID-19 the Welcome Center at St. Peter’s Church will be closed until fall.
Wedding Banns
Mary Gorecki & Jose Jimenez - Banns 1
Saturday Meal: Team 4 will prepare, serve and share the meal on Saturday, July 4th at 11:30 A.M. at St. Paul’s. All are welcome. For more information or if you’d like to help serve, please contact Amy Maiers 290-0234 or Mary O’Hara.
St. Peter News
MAINTENANCE AND CUSTODIAL POSITION OPEN: The Church of St. Peter is accepting applications for a Maintenance and Custodial Position. The position includes 30-40 hrs/wk with benefits. The person applying must have mechanical skills, basic computer skills, able to manage flexible hours, and be able to lift at least 40 lbs. as well as cleaning. Boilers License preferred or willingness to obtain a boiler’s license. Position includes overall maintenance of the church facility, overseeing security systems, working with contractors, dusting, cleaning bathrooms and floors, setting up tables for funerals, lawn mowing, trimming, snow removal, etc. Wages are negotiable. If interested, please check our parish website at: and fill out an application or stop in at the Main Office (Monday-Thursday 8-2)at: 1125 11th Ave. N., St. Cloud, MN to pick up an application. Position will start early this Fall 2020.
St. Michael News
Red Cross Blood Drive
There will be a Blood Drive on Monday, July 6 from 1-7 pm at St. Michael’s Church. Please mark your calendars. Call Marguerite Krey for an appointment time at 252-5613. All donors need to wear masks. If you don’t have one we are happy to provide one for you. We will also have to do a temperature check when you arrive. Other than that, it is business as usual for the donation. No Walk-ins accepted.
The BeFriender Ministry has experienced some challenges since mid-March due to Covid19. We stopped making home visits and visits to hospitalized parishioners, however we continued to visit BeFriendees by phone. During June, some BeFrienders/BeFriendees have felt comfortable with resuming home visits. We will continue to monitor the virus situation.
2019 visit information: During 2019 there were ten (10) BeFrienders at St. Michael’s Parish. Eight (8) BeFrienders made one hundred fifty (150) home visits to seventeen (17) persons and 205 hours were spent on these home visits. In addition, two (2) BeFrienders visited fifty-five parishioners at the St Cloud Hospital. We also hosted two Newcomer Welcome Sundays.
We continue to explore ways the BeFriender Ministry can serve the parish. If you have questions about the BeFriender Ministry or know of a family member/friend who would benefit from this ministry, please give a call to Judith Knutson at 252-9992 or 248-6071.