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St. Peter & St. Paul News

Our Catholic Communities are extremely pleased to announce that through the generosity of the Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of St. Cloud, the Church of St. Paul have been bountifully blessed with donations though the Living the Promise Grant. Our Faith Formation program received $950 and All Saints Academy received $1,750. St. Peter’s church is also the beneficiary of the generosity of the Living the Promise Grant. St. Peter’s received $400 for Adult Faith Formation and $550.00 for youth Faith Formation. We are extremely grateful to the Catholic Foundation for bestowing such a wonderful gift upon our Communities.

The Catholic foundation is a non-profit organization that acquires, manages, and distributes financial gifts and bequests in service to the Catholic community and parishes of the Diocese of Saint Cloud. Please pray for those that serve on the board and the continued success of the Catholic Foundation.

KC Council 5548 Events

Our Knights of Columbus principles are Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism and it is our love of God that helps us live out our principles and serve our families, parishes and communities.

The Minnesota Knights of Columbus have a Student Loan Program available to all our members and their families. You can get a student loan for $2,500 per year at 3.5% interest. If you are a young man that is eighteen years of age or older you can become a member of the Knights and qualify for the loan in your own name. For more details check out our website and look for the Student Loan Fund.

With the coronavirus pandemic you can now join the Knights of Columbus and become fully initiated as a Third Degree Knight by attending one of our virtual ceremonies. Visit the website to sign up OR for more information call Tom Jacobs at 252-0126 or for the Ladies Auxiliary contact Corine Meier at 259-5169.

The Art and Soul Evangelization Committee and the St. Peter’s Liturgy and Music Department will be sponsoring virtual Evening Prayer every Tuesday and Thursday. The Evening Prayer will be posted on YouTube and the parish website beginning on Tuesday, July 21st and can be watched at your convenience. The format will be based on the Evening Prayer from Give Us this Day Our Daily Bread. Beginning in August, Art and Soul is sponsoring one-year subscriptions for this wonderful resource for up to 100 ACC households. The price of a one-year subscription is $44.95. Art and Soul will cover the cost of the subscription, but free-will offerings toward the cost will be accepted. Please call the St. Peter and Paul parish office at 320-251-4821 ext. 201 to reserve your copy. When copies arrive, they can be picked up at Pete and Paul’s parish office or we can arrange contact-free delivery if needed. We hope you can join us for this meaningful experience.

MAINTENANCE AND CUSTODIAL POSITION OPEN: The Church of St. Peter is accepting applications for a Maintenance and Custodial Position. The position includes 30-40 hrs/wk with benefits. The person applying must have mechanical skills, basic computer skills, able to manage flexible hours, and be able to lift at least 40 lbs. as well as cleaning. Boilers License preferred or willingness to obtain a boiler’s license. Position includes overall maintenance of the church facility, overseeing security systems, working with contractors, dusting, cleaning bathrooms and floors, setting up tables for funerals, lawn mowing, trimming, snow removal, etc. Wages are negotiable. If interested, please check our parish website at: and fill out an application or stop in at the Main Office (Monday-Thursday 8-2)at: 1125 11th Ave. N., St. Cloud, MN to pick up an application. Position will start early this Fall 2020.

St. Joseph & St. Michael News

St. Joseph and St. Michael parishes is pleased to announce that both parishes received $950 from the Living the Promise funds for Catholic schools, and youth or adult faith formation and facilitated by the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Saint Cloud. The Catholic Foundation is a non-profit organization that acquires, manages, and distributes financial gifts and bequests in service to the Catholic community and parishes of the Diocese of Saint Cloud. Thank you to the Diocese of St. Cloud for your generous donation.

Join the Women’s Faith Sharing at 9am at St. Michael’s on Tuesdays.

St. Joseph News

Mass Intentions - St. Joseph’s Church has openings for Mass intentions in the upcoming weeks. Your $10 donations could be used as a Mass for your deceased loved ones, someone who is living, special intentions or special needs. Stop by the parish office Monday or Wednesday from 8:30-11:30am, mail a check with your intentions to the office, or drop it in the collection on Sunday. Be sure to indicate for Masses and the intention on the envelope. THANKS!

St. Joseph is responsible for a few 5:00 pm Masses on Sunday at St. Michael’s Church. If you are interested in helping with the ministries of ushering or Eucharistic minister, please call 251-6923. We are looking for help at the July 29th Mass. Thank you!

Faith Formation News

Online Vacation Bible School: CAMP CREATION

“Camp Creation, Day by Day with God,” a free online Vacation Bible School, is being offered for parishes and families in the diocese of St. Cloud during the week of August 3-7. It will be an ‘asynchronous’ experience — those who would like to participate may join in from 9 a.m. to noon each day during the VBS week or whenever they wish, after the activities have been posted. It will be hosted at There is no need to register. Written and/or compiled by faith formation staff from around the diocese, the family activities are based on Genesis 1. Printable resources will be available for those with limited internet access by calling Catholic Education Ministries at 320-251-0111.


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