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ACC Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes for the Together As One Joint Area Catholic Community

April 26, 2022 6:30 p.m. Church of St. Michael

Meeting was called to order at 6:38 by Joe Maiers, with Fr. Timothy leading an opening prayer.

Approval of Agenda was called for by Fr. Tim and seconded by Chuck Rau

Later- after copies were made of the previous (January 20th, 2022 meeting) the Approval of the Minutes was made by Chuck R, and seconded by Michelle Olmscheid.

Attendance was not taken, a sheet for “contact Information” was passed around and each present member filled out their name, Parish, Email Address, Phone# and term/years.


ACC Policy for Mass Intentions was discussed. Fr. Timothy gave the group an update on what he had learned when calling the diocese office. A previous discussion had taken place on how many and the correct procedure for when mass intentions could take place was a topic at the previous ACC meeting (01/20/22). Fr. Timothy gave an overview of the procedure and stated that he would be putting together his findings, which he would distribute to the group either via email or at the next meeting.

Mass Times were next discussed. Fr. Timothy and Fr. Leroy discussed the last two years (Covid/lack of attendance/rising attendance presently/lessening attendance in the summer months) and the possibility of the Sunday evening 5:00 p.m. mass being ended. Possibly with an additional the group discussed both the positives (opportunity for those gone over the weekend to attend mass) and the negatives (between 100-50 attendance as of late)

It was discussed that members of the council will receive name tags from Joe Maiers through a friend, so that parish members will be able to identify members during social times.


ACC Pastoral Council Formation June 4

Fr. Leroy informed the group that there will be a meeting at St. Johns on Sat June 4, for any members that would like to get an overview of the ACC Councils and how they are formed and purposed. He encouraged ACC Chairs to attend. Joe M. said he would attempt to attend and let Mike Conway- the other Chair know. Tom S. (secretary) will try to attend.

Synod on Synodality Presentation.

Joe Marier attended an organizational meeting for Synod leaders and presented the power point that the group used to give an overview of the program, which has it’s first Phase concluding June 2022. This Phase involves watching the presentation, and answering within a small group setting the various questions that are presented in the power point as a basis for further discussion. This information and the comments of the various small groups, to be led by a Synod trained leader, are then recorded and passed onto local diocese officials, who will in turn send them onto the U. S. Bishops. Phase 2 involves compiling and reflecting on nationality, and sending a synthesis to regional officials. The third Phase involves regional reflection and synthesis, which is then sent to Rome. The fourth Phase is Reflection of officials in Rome, before the five Phase which involves the evangelization of the thoughts of the groups and Roman officials, which is then passed down upon Catholics worldwide.

The presentation began with a prayer from Pope Francis, followed by Guidelines for Consultation. Next the power point gave a listing of “The Purpose of the Synod”. The small group discussion is a series of six questions: 1) Share a dream, vision, hope you have for the Church; 2) How do you think the Church can grow in inspiring trust? ; 3) What are some wounds that you feel need the Church’s attention? ; 4) What do you feel we can learn from one another in the Synod? ; 5) If you could share one thing with Pope Francis right now, what would it be? ; 6) Anything further to share?

The group discussion among members of the ACC Council present was a lively one and each topic was thoroughly discussed, interpreted, and considered, with frequently multiple members discussing personal thoughts and emotions that each question dealt with. Their answers and the discussion were notes were recorded and will be organized and copies will be distributed to Joe Maiers as well as ACC members soon. The group did discuss the need for additional small groups in the coming month that need to view and discuss the presentation as well, which Joe Maiers said he would get set up, along with additional ACC Council members.

Carrie Hartung then asked if the St. Paul’s Christian Women group could go forward with organizing a social for all Christian women of the other parishes as a show of support for our combined ACC. Her request was met with enthusiastic acceptance, as this is one of the core goals of the “Together As One” themes of the ACC.

Joe Maiers also restated, along with other members of the council, that an expansion on our communication to other parishioners will continue to be a goal for the ACC group,

The meeting was drawn to a close with the group doing the Glory Be as a closing prayer.

Meeting adjourned at 8:38 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Tom Siekkinen- ACC Council Secretary


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