The Art and Soul Group will be sponsoring summer theater camp the week of July 26th-30th at the Church of Saint Peter for our Together As One faith community and friends. This is a full-day camp that allows students to be engaged in all aspects of theater production while digging deeper into the stories of our faith. In just one week, the campers put on a show! This year, we will be presenting "Are We There Yet?" This is a theatrical and musical version of the Exodus story.
The camp is open to students who will be enrolled in 1st through 12th grade in the 2021-22 school year. Registration is only $50 with a $110 cap for a family. Registration forms are located in the entrances of each church, or can be found on-line at https://www.taocatholic.org/.
We will follow all Covid protocols in place at the time of the camp, and all campers must wear masks. We are hoping for a live performance, but will need to wait until closer to the camp date to see if the production will be live or live-streamed. If you have questions, please contact Meaghan Baynes at meaghan.baynes@gmail.com or Joyce Baumann at joycebaumann6@gmail.com.