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Faith Formation News

Confirmation Preparation Starting!

Confirmation prep Discipleship Training Sessions will be starting in person from 6-7pm on September 14 in the courtyard at St. Peters. Students should bring a lawn chair, wear their masks, and dress warmly. If the weather is inclement, we will meet in the gym. After the first night, classes will be held online Wednesdays starting at 7:30 pm. If you attended orientation for Confirmation last spring, but didn't register, please do so ASAP at:

Registration for Faith Formation

Registration for faith formation is now open at

Options will be different this year, and include home book study, home digital learning and an option for in-person meeting. Registration will include a conversation with Lisa, our Director of Faith Formation, to aid in your understanding of available options, and help you choose the right option for your family.

Faith Formation Volunteers Needed

In-person and digital/distance learning catechists, teacher aids, table leaders and helpers are needed! Contact Lisa at 320-281-9541 or if you are interested! Training will be provided for those interested in helping with online teaching.


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