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Toward a Path Forward: Faith Formation Surveys

I think we all wish that life was normal right now.  We want to go out, meet with our friends, and engage our favorite activities.  But times are not normal, and we're faced with the pastoral challenge of offering faith education during a Pandemic.  Our faith formation team requests your help in clarifying our resources and goals as we go into another school year.  

  • We recognize that families have different needs going into this year.

  • Please complete the volunteer survey if you were a previous faith formation volunteer, or if you are considering volunteering this year.

  • Please complete the parish survey if you are a family who attends faith formation, or if you are a community member who wants to contribute to the conversation.

  • Filling out the surveys will help us know how to best support you and your family in faith.

  • If your family consists of adults only, fill out the survey anyway, our parishes want to stay engaged with everyone, and creative faith formation solutions may offer new avenues of connection for adults!

  • Registration forms and information about available formation options will follow in the next weeks.

Survey 1, For people who have volunteered in faith formation in the past, or which to volunteer this year:

Survey 2, For all members of our ACC, but especially faith formation families:

Your voice matters!  Please take time to share your views through our surveys or by emailing Lisa, Director of Faith Formation.


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