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Week of August 21, 2022

Updated: Aug 18, 2022

A Note From Fr. LeRoy

In November of 2021 the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop's (USCCB) voted overwhelmingly to initiate a 3-year National Eucharistic Revival which began on Corpus Christi this past Spring. The bishops are doing this in response to the latest 2019 Pew Research Study which indicated that 70% of all Catholics don't believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Because the Eucharist is so fundamental to our Catholic Christian way of life, this is an alarming and startling news! The goal of this revival is for us as Catholics to have a renewed encounter of Jesus in the Eucharist as well as have a full understanding of the Eucharist's power to transform people's life. In a culture that seems to become more disjointed and less caring, we as people need a deeper connection to each other through Christ. To quote Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles: "The Eucharist is the gateway key to the civilization of love that we long to create. Jesus promised that He would be truly present in the sacrament of the altar-but also in the flesh and blood of our neighbors, especially in those who are poor and suffering. If we ever hope to end human indifference and social injustice, then we need to revive this sacramental awareness."

Within this 3-year National Eucharistic event, Year One (June 2022-June 2023) will be the "Year of Diocesan Revival" in which bishops respond to create diocesan events and/or gatherings to empower God's Holy People through the Eucharist. Year two (June 2023-June 2024) is planned as the "Year of the Parish Revival" where individual pastors, staff, and leadership will provide community activities, parish events and catechetical formation on the Real Presence of Christ including such things as opportunities for prayer, adoration and reconciliation. Year three (2024-2025) is the "Year of the National Eucharistic Congress and Missionary Sending" which is scheduled to take place on July 17-21 in Indianapolis, IN. This is the first Eucharistic Congress held in the United States in 50 years. The hope here is that we focus more on the mission of passing on the wonderful value of this great sacrament.

At our next ACC Parish Pastoral Council (scheduled for the end of August) members of our 4 parish council will begin discussing how we as a "Together As One" ACC (St. Peter, St. Paul, St. Joseph and St. Michael) can best prepare and plan for the parish portion of this event. Stay tuned as time goes on for more information and opportunities to partake in this revival in the coming years. Our hope is that we, as Catholics, will gain a much greater Eucharistic and Sacramental experience and awareness of Jesus Christ! Peace,

Fr. LeRoy Scheierl



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