A Note From Fr. Oswaldo
Believe, and announce.
We Christians believe that God has sent Jesus, His Son, who, begotten in the womb of the Virgin Mary, who was married to Joseph of the tribe of David, is born and becomes one like us. The God made man, the Emmanuel. Only a merciful God can come down from his condition, so that humanity can be elevated to the condition of children of God. The Bible tells us, how was that birth, “This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about. When his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, but before they lived together,”( Mt 1:18-24) so that, knowing it, we believe in it and believing we announce it to all peoples. We announce what we have seen, we believe, that what we announce is true, that God has become incarnate, has become one of us and that we are invited to participate in the life of God.
The prophets announced that he would come, the shepherds received the sign of his presence, the Kings confirmed his birth and now it is up to us who have received him as a sacrament, to announce his presence among us and the preparation for his second coming, which is no longer it will be in a veiled way, but in glorious triumph before death and the evils of the world. Let Jesus continue to be born in our hearts, with the hope that everyone in the world knows him, he believes and announces with your life that God is with us.
Cree y anuncia.
Los cristianos creemos, que Dios ha enviado a su Hijo Jesús, que, engendrado en el seno de la Virgen María, que estaba casada con José de la tribu de David, nace y se hace uno como nosotros. El Dios hecho hombre, el Enmanuel. Sólo un Dios misericordiosos puede bajar de su condición, para que la humanidad, sea elevada a la condición de hijos de Dios. La Biblia nos narra, cómo fue ese nacimiento, para que, sabiéndolo, creamos en el y creyendo lo anunciemos a todos los pueblos. “Así se produjo el nacimiento de Jesucristo. Cuando su madre María estaba desposada con José, pero antes vivían juntos” (Mt 1, 18-24). Anunciamos lo que hemos visto, creemos, que lo que anunciamos es verdad, que Dios se ha encarnado, se ha hecho uno de nosotros y que estamos invitados a participar de la vida de Dios.
Los profetas lo anunciaron que vendría, los pastores recibieron la señal de su presencia, los Reyes confirmaron su nacimiento y ahora nos toca a nosotros que lo hemos recibido como sacramento, anunciar su presencia entre nosotros y la preparación para su segunda venida, que ya no será en forma velada, sino en triunfo glorioso ante la
muerte y los males del mundo. Dejemos que siga naciendo Jesús en nuestros corazones, con la esperanza, de que todos en el mundo lo conozcan, cree y anuncia con tu vida que Dios está con nosotros.
Fr. Oswaldo Roche