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Week of July 31, 2022

A Note From Fr. LeRoy

After having some discussion between Fr. Timothy and myself, we have decided to create a new part-time position called, Evangelization/Communication within our "Together As One" ACC parishes. Since the inception of our ACC, one of the challenges (and even criticisms) with our four parishes is that we could do better job at communication. There are many events and programs and activities along with information that does not necessarily get passed onto all our parishioners. A second challenge (or opportunity) is that we need to do a better job at Evangelization. By Evangelization, I mean outreach as in providing enough opportunities for spiritual growth for the members within our ACC parishes, but I also mean evangelizing those who are not yet with us. These can include families in our neighborhoods, and those looking for more fulfillment in their life and encouraging them to seek out Jesus Christ and our parishes. This may also include better follow-up on families who come to our parishes for the Sacrament of Baptism or Marriage. In order to address some of these challenges/opportunities, Fr. Timothy and I have decided to hire Nicole Carlson to fill this position, starting this August 1st 2022.

Nicole Carlson is a member of St. Joseph Parish in Waite Park. ( You might recognize her as one of choir members at St. Joseph during the 7:30 am. Mass.) She has been very active in parish life. She is a part-time guitar/music teacher along with her husband, and this past year, she has been working with Joe Arseneau as a part-time Faith Formation Assistant. Nicole will continue to assist Joe A. with some Faith Formation (approximately 8-10 hrs./wk), but a majority of her hours will now shift to her new position with Evangelization/Communication (devoting 10-12 hrs./wk for her new role.) Regarding Evangelization: Nicole has already been taking some graduate courses at St. John's Univ. as well as on-line classes that focus specifically on how we can do a better job at Evangelization within our parish communities as well as reaching outside our parish boundaries to invite more members to be part of us. Nicole is very excited about this and has a real passion in this area.

Regarding Communication: Nicole is very good at technology and with Social Media and other avenues of communication, which should help us a lot in bringing strength and vibrancy to ACC Community and individual parishes as well as our connection with our ASA Catholic School.

The purpose of Nicole's position is NOT to interrupt OR take-over any of the good things current members of our staff (or volunteers) are already doing in regard to Evangelization, social media, or communication, rather she will be helping us do a more collaborative and cohesive job. If there is anything in your work area that Nicole can assist in regard to communication, please feel free to ask for her help. There will also be certain areas, programs, and duties that Fr. Timothy or I may be calling on Nicole to put forward as well, so we can do better as a staff.

I have asked Nicole to set up her office space

next to our ACC Faith Formation Office at the Church of St. Paul. Her contact information will be in our ACC bulletin, starting August 1st. She can be reached at: Nicole Carlson 320-251-4831 Ext 208, email:

I am personally excited for Nicole as she begins this new role and my hope is everyone will welcome and support her in this new adventure. Hopefully this position will develop over time so that our ACC parishes may become even more , "Together As One." Thank you, for your cooperation.

Fr. LeRoy Scheierl



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